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Mahantesh Magadum
Zulfiqar Haider Kerawala
Mohammed Asif Peracha
Ahmed Abdelaziz Abdelkader Elgohary
Eslam Mohammed Shalaby
Niaz Hussain Keerio




Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is a highly successful surgical technique that greatly reduces pain and improves general well-being in people with hip osteoarthritis. Total hip arthroplasty can be performed using one of several surgical approaches. The most common approaches are the Direct Anterior Approach (DAA), Lateral Approach (LA), and Posterior Approach (PA). Each approach has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Even though the Posterior Approach is the most commonly used, it is crucial to highlight that other techniques have drawbacks in terms of infection rates, bone loss, and ease of access. This article highlights the methodology for each surgical approach and provides a full examination of outcomes and associated complications.

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