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Dr. M. Lenin
Dr. S. Selvakumar
Dr. A. Swathika
Dr. Ramesh Ramasammy
Mohana Valli. V


Single nucleotide polymorphism, Gestational diabetes mellitus, Pregnancy outcomes, cardio metabolic risk factors


GDM is a major cause for perinatal morbidity and mortality complications such as shoulder dystocia, macrosomia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypoglycemia, long term type 2 diabetes mellitus, maternal death, Pre-eclampsia. Hence it is one of the most important global health problems to be addressed. Pregnancy is a physiological state which can significantly alter both the maternal and fetal metabolic processes bringing in an insulin resistance (IR) like state. During Pregnancy insulin resistance may develop which can lead to increased maternal adiposity, impaired beta cell.

AIM: This study is designed to find the association of SNPs of genes related to Insulinresistance (KCNQ1, IGFBP2) with the biochemical markers of GDM and to correlate thisassociationwiththematernalandfetaloutcomesinGestationaldiabetesmellitus.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The molecular and biochemical markers was investigated in 419 pregnant women (Pregnant women with GDM (group 1-case, n=210), Pregnant women without GDM (group 2-control, n=209). A total of 5ml of venous blood was collected from the pregnant women with GDM. REPORTS: There was association between KCNQ1 gene and IGF2BP2 gene polymorphism in Gestational diabetes mellitus. CONCLUSION: which could identify at-risk patients in early stages and designing new therapeutics which will thus help in diagnostics, treatment and eventually prevention of this disease further studies are needed to confirm these findings in different functional genes and their associated microRNA and protein expression in pregnant women with GDM.

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