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Incidental Findings, Genitourinary, Non-genitourinary, Gynecological, Gastrointestinal
Introduction: Incidental findings refer to results that are irrelevant to the actual purpose of performing a diagnostic assessment. The superiority of Unenhanced Computed Tomography is that detects ureteral stones, identifies extra-urinary abnormalities, and does not require intravenous contrast.
Objectives: The objective of the study is to better understand the role of Unenhanced CT while evaluating the detection of incidental findings and to determine the medical importance of incidental findings.
Material and Method: From March 2023 to August 2023, a cross-sectional study with consecutive sampling was conducted in the radiology department of the tertiary care hospital Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar, Pakistan. The Institutional Research and Ethics Review Board (IREB) of the Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar, Pakistan gave its clearance for the study. Participants' ages ranged from 20 to 70.
Results: Of the total 320 patients, 48 (15%) patients had Incidental findings of which 30 were males and 18 were females.19 patients included the genitourinary, 28 the non-genitourinary, and 1 had both the genitourinary and non-genitourinary Incidental findings. The most frequent genitourinary findings were renal cyst 7. In contrast, the most common non-genitourinary findings were appendicitis 5, which was shown to happen most frequently in those between the ages of 20 to 29. The most affected age group was 30 to 39. ER Physician 31 sent the majority of patients to CT KUB, as compared to Urologists.
Conclusion: The number of incidental findings found by MDCT during the KUB examination for possible kidney stones was much higher than that reported in other study papers. Unenhanced computed tomography is a successful tool for identifying incidental findings and has an immense effect on how patients are managed. Radiology technologists and radiologists' knowledge, skills, and genuine interest play a critical role in diagnosing abnormalities other than kidney stones.
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