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P S Shivani
Dr. U Vijayabanu
Kiran Rathour


children, dyslexia, India, remedial interventions, reading disability, risk factors


Children with reading difficulties (dyslexia) have poor academic performances and suffer mentally, emotionally, and psychologically. Because of the higher neural plasticity of a child’s developing brain, evidence suggests that an early identification of this neurobiological disorder can effectively minimize reading and other cognitive deficits of children with dyslexia through proper intervention. Although extensive research has been conducted worldwide for the assessment and remediation of learning disabilities, little is known about dyslexia prevailing among Indian schoolgoers. Therefore, the present review intends to shed light on various areas related to dyslexia management in India based on existing literature. It covers underlying factors that cause dyslexia and different tools available to screen susceptible adolescents in the country. It also gives a detailed overview of remediation methods developed to improve reading skills and other cognitive abilities of Indian children with dyslexia. It can be concluded that limited research, lack of replicative studies, and associated challenges hinder the remediation process which needs to be addressed immediately.

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