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Ali Sanaei
Arshia Taleifard
Kimia Cheraghi
Amirali Farhanian
Fatemeh Chaboki
Mohammadreza Sobhani
Amirhossein Haghighi
Farshid Fathy Karkaragh


Anxiety, Covid-19, Students, Payame Noor University.


Background and Aim: One of the psychological discomforts that is a product of the global spread of the corona virus is anxiety In addition to causing physical problems and respiratory challenges for affected people, the disease of Covid-19 causes psychological tensions such as anxiety, depression, fear and worry in this group of people. So; This research deals with the prediction of psychological Disturbances based on the cognitive regulation of emotion according to the mediating role of Corona anxiety

Methodology: The method we used in this research to carry out research steps was the correlation method. In addition, this research is of a cross-sectional type due to the fact that it was conducted in a specific period of time. The statistical population of this research was formed by all students of Payam Noor University, Urmia Branch, in the academic year 2022-2023. The statistical sample of this research included 599 students (247 men and 352 women) of Payam Noor University, Urmia branch, who were selected by stratified sampling method. We used three questionnaires to collect information in this study, which include; Psychological Disturbances Questionnaire (SCS-A), Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and Corona Anxiety Scale, we used the method of calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient to determine the level of relationships between the variables, and, we used the "one-sample t-test" statistical method to determine the status of the analyzed variables in the studied population.

Results: The results of statistical analysis show that the cognitive regulation of emotion has the ability to predict psychological disturbance, considering the mediating role of Corona anxiety (P<0,05). In this research, it was found that with the increase in the cognitive regulation of emotion, the level of psychological disturbance takes a downward course in students. (P<0,05).  In addition, the findings indicated that the cognitive regulation of emotion has the ability to predict Corona anxiety. Although the direction of this relationship is opposite (P<0,05). Also, the results of statistical analysis showed that the Corona anxiety has the ability to predict psychological disturbance. So that the direction of this relationship is direct (P<0,05).

Conclusion: This result was obtained according to the findings that emotion regulation has the ability to predict psychological disorders due to the mediating role of corona anxiety. Based on this result, in order to increase students' adaptability and resilience, it is suggested to organize workshops to teach ways to increase flexibility and resistance capacity against stressful events.

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