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Muhammad Farrukh Habib
Humaira Mahmood
Jawaria Khan
Yaser Mahmood
Muhammad Mohsin Javaid
Nimbal Imtiaz
Umar Farooq
Abdul Momin Rizwan Ahmad
Juweria Abid


Oral Health skills, Repetition and reinforcement, Oral Health Status


Background: Oral health skills (OHS) programs about brushing techniques have been found to have a lasting impact when repetition and reinforcement are used. Existing dental research doesn't apply to school-based surgeon-led oral health skill programs.

Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of Oral Health Skills with regard to proper brushing techniques, based upon repetition and reinforcement on the oral health status of school children through the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs.

Methodology: A quasi-experimental intervention study was conducted in a public school of Rawalpindi with 100 students (ages 13-17) demonstrating proper brushing techniques. These students were given intervention for OHS to demonstrate proper brushing technique. Other forms of awareness such as panaflexes and brochures were also shared. Brushing techniques were demonstrated and examined on dummies. Students received four OHS sessions at weeks 0, 3, and months 3 and 6, each followed by oral examinations by a dentist.

Results: Proper brushing technique habit at the baseline was 1%. Which rose to 66% at the end of intervention. The CPITN index of participants at baseline was 1.06 and after the 1st, 2nd and 3rd intervention lowered to, 0.94, 0.68, and 0.28 respectively. Paired t-test was conducted with findings of p < 0.001. This highly significant result proved that it is advantageous to include OHS based on repetition and reinforcement to improve the oral health status of children.

Conclusion:  Programs promoting Oral Health Skills with a focus on repetition and reinforcement have a long-lasting impact on the oral health status of school children.

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