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Almaz Muwafq Hachim
Baydaa Yonus Ibrahim
Layla Hazim Saeed


pregnancy, trimester, smoking, fetal


Background: Studies have discovered that if a pregnant person is around tobacco smoke, it could be harmful to their baby. This could lead to a higher chance of the baby not surviving, a lower weight when born, and a greater possibility of being born too early. This research wants to discover how smoking during pregnancy can affect the baby's health and growth.
Methods: In 2023, researchers conducted a study in Iraq on 200 pregnant women who were near the end of their pregnancies. They were divided into two groups: Group I had women who smoke, and Group II had women who do not smoke. The research examined different information such as people's age, gender, and the results of their births. We used a program called IBM SPSS 25 to examine the information. Different ways of studying data were used for various kinds of patterns and how good the data was. The number we considered significant was less than 0. 05.
Results: There were clear differences between two groups in terms of how their babies were born, how far along they were in their pregnancies, and how much they weighed when they were born. Out of the women who smoked, 71% had cesarean sections, while in the group of women who didn't smoke, only 44% had cesarean sections. Only 6% of women who smoke had endometritis, while there wasn't a big difference in chorioamnionitis between the two groups. Preeclampsia happened more often in the group of people who smoke, with 59% of them getting it compared to only 10% of people who don't smoke. The analysis of data shows that there is a big difference between the groups being compared, and this difference is very unlikely to have occurred by chance.
Conclusion: New studies found that pregnant women who smoke may have smaller and earlier babies. We need to do more research to know how smoking affects pregnancy. It's also important to find ways to help people quit smoking before they become pregnant, and to create environments where pregnant women don't breathe in smoke.
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