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Ms.Ankita B. Chaudhari
Ms.Jinal Patel
Dr.N. Sivasubramanian
Patel Daksh V
Patel Janvi K
Patel Janvi S
Patel Kenali K
Patel Khushi K
Patel Namrata M


Students, cord blood banking


Introduction: As the baby is delivered and the navel is cut, blood can be taken from the part of the cord that is still attached to the placenta. 'Umbilical cord blood (UCB) stem cells' are stem cells that have been harvested from the placenta and umbilical cord. This blood, which has been considered medical trash for millennia since it is not useful for the mother or the infant, is an abundant source of stem cells.

Objective: The purpose of the study was to assess the public's knowledge about the banking of cord blood.

Methodology: Non-experimental survey was the methodology chosen for the investigation. Techniques for non-probability convenience sampling were used.

Conclusion: In the test, 34 (34%) of the 100 students had inadequate knowledge, 48 (48%) average knowledge, and 18 Good knowledge is (18%). The probability value of the chi square contingency table indicated that there was no correlation between the knowledge scores and the socio demographic variable

Abstract 164 | pdf Downloads 69


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