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Alireza Rahdari


threat, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, experts


In 2008, in the midst of the American financial crisis, Bitcoin was born as the world's first cryptocurrency. This idea has caused conflicts and threats to human society.

This study, benefiting from the opinions of the statistics community equivalent to 90 experts, seeks to address the main question, "What are the threats?" have been.

The design of this research was done in a descriptive and non-experimental way. The research method used is quantitative and qualitative and it is a collection tool Cryptocurrencies Information.

There are documents, reports and interviews, which were collected by the library and field methods, and the information obtained was obtained using the Izar software.spss Were analyzed.

The results of his research indicate that cryptocurrencies can pose 8 threats:

1- Anonymity

2- Bypassing governance oversight

3- The expansion of the informal sector of the economy

4- Financing of artificial shocks

5- Artificial vacuum

6- Fluctuations in value

7- Lack of knowledge and Tehsala Mazam

8 - To follow the lack of cyber security for the society.

Abstract 249 | PDF Downloads 88


According to the results of this research, the following are suggested as research:
The research titled "Cryptocurrency Opportunities" can complete this research. In fact, let's not only look at the threats, but also keep in mind the opportunities of cryptocurrencies.
The comparative study of cryptocurrencies both in terms of opportunities and threats in other countries should be considered as another research.

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