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Dr. Balwinderjit Singh
Dr. Tania Moudgil
Dr. Asha Anand
Dr Ashok Sehgal


Propofol, Torniquets, Cisatracurium, Xylocard, Pain



Propofol (2, 6 di isopropyl phenol) is an anesthetic drug which is most commonly used as an induction agent for sedation and general anaesthesia owing to its rapid onset and shorter duration of action. This prospective randomized open label study was designed in our department to compare cisatracurium and 2% xylocard pretreatment with tourniquet to reduce propfol injection pain.

Material and Methods

After approval from institutional ethical committee, patients were randomized into two groups in open label fashion.

Group I: - Pretreatment with 2% lignocaine 0.5 mg/kg (Preservative free)

Group II: - Pretreatment with 0.15mg/ kg cisatracurium

Both drugs were administered into the visible large dorsal vein of hand after venous occlusion for 30 sec. Propofol was injected after pretreatment with tourniquent occlusion in both the groups. Pain during injection was assessed using 4- point verbal rating scale (VRS). Statistical analysis for categorically variables was analyzed using unpaired student‘t’  test.


Two groups were statically comparable with respect to demographic variables, grading of pain parameters and adverse effects. In group-I there were 29 pain free patients and 7 patients had mild pain, 3 patients had moderate pain and only 1 patient had severe pain. In group-II, 32 patients were pain free, 5 patients had mild pain, 2 patients had moderate pain and only 1 patient had severe pain. On intergroup comparison no statistically significant(p>0.05) difference was found.

On comparison of cisatracurium and 2% xylocard pretreatment with tourniquet for reducing propofol injection pain no significant difference was seen in our study.

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