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Mr J Dorasamy
Prof R Bhagwan


Occupational wellness, families, coping, COVID-19, employment


The worldwide outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly affected various dimensions of human wellness. More so, the various protocols implemented to mitigate the spread of the pandemic had significant effects on the occupational wellness dimension. This study explored the occupational wellness challenges experienced by some families in Melbourne, Australia, during the COVID-19 pandemic and the strategies they used as they transitioned through the pandemic. The study framed three possible inductive themes aligned to the impact of COVID-19 on specific aspects of occupational wellness, pathways to the management of occupational wellness during COVID-19, and recommended future changes to occupational wellness by the sampled families in Melbourne, Australia. The study findings indicated that COVID-19 had both positive and negative effects on the occupational wellness of the families. The strategies of the families are worthy for consideration, for future approaches to deal with any pandemic. It is expected that the proper adoption of the proposed strategies to cope with occupational wellness will significantly contribute toward occupational wellness for individuals and families facing occupational wellness challenges, especially during pandemics.

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