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Neelaphar P
Somasundaram I


Hypertension, CKD patients, Myocardial infarction, stroke, DM


Hypertension is becoming a global threat to the world population. Hypertension is one of the most common disorder and one of the most critical health problems causing multiple organ damage and death as single contributor in developed and developing countries. The aim of this study was to determine hypertension knowledge and practice in urban community in Karnataka. study was a cross sectional prospective observational questionnaire based, conducted among 750 hypertensive patients attending Department of General Medicine .RIMS, Andhra Pradesh, India All hypertensive patients with different co morbidities all either sex diagnosed with hypertension and aged above 18years old and exclusion Patients with recent Myocardial infarction or stroke Immediate post-operative patients and Those who are not willing to participate in this study Pregnant women and children are excluded. In this study AMLODIPINE is the mostly prescribed drug in HTN with CKD patients. NEBIVOLOL(26.34%) and METOPROLOL (12.20%) are the other drugs prescribed in HTN with CKD patients Prescribing Pattern of Antihypertensive drugs used for treatment in Tertiary Care Hospital, Bangalore and Karnataka was evaluated analyzed  and reported.

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