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Erlyn Limoa
Ahmad Rais Dahyar
Saidah Syamsuddin
Arifin Seweng
Kristian Liaury
Irfan Idris
Sonny T Lisal


schizophrenia, physical exercise, cognitive function, BDNF, risperidone


Purpose: Increased BDNF levels induce neuroplasticity thus improving dopamine activity in the prefrontal cortex which is correlated with cognitive improvement. Risperidone combined with Physical Exercise is assumed to improve the aforementioned cognitive function and is associated with increased levels of (BDNF), a cognitive function marker in schizophrenia. This study aimed to determine the effect of physical exercise on improving cognitive function and BDNF levels in patients with schizophrenia receiving risperidone.

Methods: Forty (40) schizophrenic inpatients were divided into two groups, the treatment group, and the control group. Both groups received Risperidone 4 mg twice daily, and only the intervention group was given physical exercise for ten weeks. Cognitive function was assessed using SCoRS v BI at the baseline, the fifth, and the tenth weeks. The BDNF level was measured at the baseline and the tenth weeks. The difference in means between the group was assessed using the Mann-Whitney test.

Results: There was a significant improvement in cognitive function in both treatment groups (<0.01). However, in the BDNF levels in the treatment group that received a combination of 4 mg/day of risperidone and physical exercise for 10 weeks, the results were more significant (<0.00) than in the control group


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