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Amos S. Hundert
Anna Huguet
Courtney R. Green
Amy J. Hewitt
Christopher J. Mushquash
Nazeem Muhajarine
Andre Sourander
Heather Caughey
Patricia Lingley-Pottie
Patrick J. McGrath
James N. Reynolds


Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, distance treatment, psychoeducation, usability, Internet, ehealth



In order to meet the need for accessible interventions and support for families affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder ( FASD ), we have developed an Internet -based, distance intervention for caregivers of children with FASD between the ages of four and twelve, called Strongest Familiesâ„¢ FASD. Objectives To evaluate the usability of the Strongest Families FASD program content and website in terms of learnability, efficiency and acceptability.

To evaluate the usability of the Strongest Families FASD program content and website in terms of learnability, efficiency and acceptability.


A remote usability testing approach was conducted in two iterat ive cycles of participants. Synchronous online usability testing session s were conducted, followed by asynchronous testing. A total of 18 partic ipants were included, comprised of both health care professionals with expertise in FASD and caregivers of children with FASD. The data collected in each cycle was examined for commonalities and results were used to inform changes to the website and content after each cycle.


Participants rated the website as appealing and relatively easy and fast to use. Nevertheless, several usability problems were identified such as difficulty navigating between sections of content on the website, displaying too much content per page, and the relevance and appropriateness of the content as it related to FASD.


The identification of usability problems was an important step in refining the Strongest Families FASD program before its effectiveness is evaluated in a randomized controlled trial.

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