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Dr porus Batham
Dr Rishi Kaushal
Dr Mustafa johar


Autologous platelet rich plasma(PRP), Monocompartmental primary knee osteoarthritis, Kellegren Lawrence grading scale, WOMAC scale, visual analogue scale


A retrospective, cross-sectional observation study of the outcome of the role of autologous platelet-rich plasma(PRP) in mono-compartmental primary knee osteoarthritis upto grade -1 and its clinical evaluation, in department of orthopedics from January 2021to July 2022(18 months) is presented. There were 60 patients participated in the study. Patients attending the OPD of Orthopedic Department of index medical college with complain of knee pain were screened and those diagnosed as primary knee osteoarthritis were included in the study. Patient classified into grade 0 to 4 on Kellegren Lawrence grading scale were included in study .Patients were followed up for months 6 weeks, 3 months , 6 months and functional outcome of the patients will be checked.

Outcome Analysis: The study group and the control group are advised to follow up at 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months. Outcome analysis for the efficacy was done for reduction in pain, reduction in stiffness and improvement in physical function using WOMAC scale. The Patients were also assessed for reduction in pain using Visual analog scale both at pre injection and at 6 weeks,3 month and 6 months post injection.

Result: We reported a significant improvement in WOMAC Score at 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months compared to their pre-injection values, and they showed a tendency of gradual decrease over time post treatment with PRP. In present study it was observed that mean VAS score after treatment (3.05±1.241) with PRP was significantly lower as compared to the preinjection VAS score (7.15±0.988). There was a significant improvement in pain score at 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months follow up post treatment with PRP.

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