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Himanshu Sharma
Rashmi Pathak
Siddharth Jain
Maulshree Bhandari
Riya Mishra
Km Reena
Prakhar Varshney


Ficus racemosa, phytochemicals composition, phytochemistry, pharmacological activities


Ficus racemosa Linn. (Family: Moraceae) is known as the cluster fig tree or Gular. A moderate-sized tree found throughout India either wild or cultivated for its fruits eaten by villagers. Ayurveda and Unani, the traditional Indian medical system, has employed the popular medicinal plant Ficus racemosa for many years to treat a variety of illnesses and disorders, including skeleton diseases, diabetes, inflammatory, hyperlipidemia, hemorrhoids, respiratory, liver dysfunction, antitussive, hepatoprotective, antimicrobial, and various GIT disorders. Numerous phytoconstituent components have been different parts of extracts and phytochemical screening of the Ficus racemosa. In light of the numerous recent results on this plant, that is much more significant. A thorough explanation of this plant is traditionally beneficial, phytoconstituents, and biological effects on this review.

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