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Dr. Vandana J Gade
Dr. Reema Asani
Dr. Priyatama V.Meshram
Dr Jyoti S.Wankhede
Dr. Neelam D Chandwani
Dr Priyanka Chaware
Dr. Yasmeen Chaudhary


Preheated composite, Direct composite, fracture resistance, Large MOD cavities, Estilite Sigma Quick


Objective: The present study compared the fracture resistance of teeth with large MOD cavity restored with direct and preheated composite system.
Method: 45 extracted maxillary premolar with similar dimensions were collected. Fifteen intact teeth served as control (Group I) (n= 15 ).Standardized large MOD cavities were prepared on remaining 30 teeth and were randomly divided into two experimental groups (Group II and III ) (n = 15). Teeth in Group II were restored with direct Composite and Group III with preheated composite (500C).Universal Testing Machine was used to measure the fracture resistance. Fracture resistance was measured in Newton (N).
Results: By using multiple comparison: Tukey Test no significant difference was found between group I and group II (p=0.072), group I and group III (p=0.990), group II and group III (p=0.140)
Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, it can be concluded that maximum fracture resistance is shown by intact teeth followed by preheated composites and then conventional composites.

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