The outcome of patients with Severe COVID 19 treated with tocilizumab:a Retrospective Cohort study

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Jamil Muqtadir Bhatti,Syed Ali Raza,Noshirwan P.Gazder,Khizer Shamim,FNU Sameeullah,Irshad Batool Abro


Coronavirus disease 19, Assisted/invasive mechanical ventilation, Tocilizumab, Intensive care unit, mortality.



Coronavirus disease 2019 triggers a cytokine storm resulting in high mortality. A key player in this cytokine storm has been considered as interleukin-6. Tocilizumab, a monoclonal antibody, is theorized to treat COVID-19 by inhibiting the interleukin-6 receptor. However, conflicting data supporting this hypothesis is available in the literature.



This retrospective cohort included 1001 severe COVID-19 patients from a tertiary care hospital, Pakistan, hospitalized from March 2020 to August 2021. Primary outcome was the proportion of patients expired. Beside proportion of patients discharged, requirements for assisted ventilation and ICU admission were other outcomes. We also saw the impact of tocilizumab on radiological findings, oxygenation, and inflammatory markers.


Of 100 patients in the toci group, 85(85%) patients were ultimately discharged, compared to only 57.9% patients in R-toci and 62.9% patients in SOC group were discharged (p < 0.001). Fifty-nine (38.8%) patients in R-toci group and one hundred ninety-six (26.2%) patients in SOC group were expired in comparison to toci group in which only eight (8%) of patients were expired (p < 0.001). Similarly need for invasive mechanical ventilation and ICU admission remained lowest in toci group. Improvement in radiological findings, oxygenation, and inflammatory markers was observed after using tocilizumab. Patients receiving standard of care had lowest survival. Among discharge patients, those who received standard of care had longest hospital stay.


Tocilizumab use in patients with severe COVID-19 is associated with a significant reduction in mortality, need for ICU admission and invasive mechanical ventilation.

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