Clinicopathological correlation of cutaneous manifestations in chronic kidney disease

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Perforating disorders, chronic kidney disease, Pruritus


Objective: To evaluate the frequency of dermatologic problems among patients with chronic kidney disease at private hospital.
Materials and methods: This is a cross sectional study done after obtaining the patient’s consent. 95 patients attending the dermatology OPD who were diagnosed with chronic kidney disease with cutaneous manifestations are included in the study as per the following inclusion & exclusion criteria.
Results: Out of the 95 cases studied, 60 (63.2%) were males and 35 (36.8%) were females. Maximum CKD patients belonged to the age group between 51-60 years (41.1%). 38 patients (40%) had stage III and 30 patients (31.6%) had stage IV CKD. Out of the 95 CKD patients, 53(55.8%) were under maintenance hemodialysis. Among the cutaneous manifestations, majority of the patients(61%) had xerosis followed by skin infections (32.6%) and perforating dermatosis (16.8%). Skin biopsy done for clinic pathological diagnosis for 41 patients, out of which 29 (70.7%) patients has had positive clinicopathological relationship.
Conclusion: Early recognition of the cutaneous manifestation with the help of specific investigations can prevent or decrease some of the adverse cutaneous changes and reduce morbidity and thereby improving quality of life in these patients.

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