Endodontic Treatment During the Evolving Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic and Its Impact: A Narrative Review

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Dennis Dennis
Trimurni Abidin
Abhishek Parolia


COVID-19, dental, Endodontic treatment, novel coronavirus disease


The Effect of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has resulted in large number of cases and also hundreds of thousands of deaths. In spite of all efforts to control the spread of the disease, however the number of infections and deaths still rise, especially in some regions of certain countries. Till current moment,there is no medicine companies have shown up with the proper treatment or protection which can protect dentist from exposing with the virus. In this pandemic situation, the general practiitoner and the endodontist should provide only emergency treatments in order to relieve discomfort and dental pain. Thus, it is mandatory to comply the infection control guidelines and patient management steps to produce optimum dental therapy and also prevent nosocomial infection in daily practice. This review provides an insight into the steps taken for infection control and prevention from COVID-19 transmission in endodontic practices, knowledge about the possible route of transmission, pharmacological treatments of dental pain, applying standardized infection control measures, conservative access cavity preparation for RCT, biomechanical precautions, and procedures that should be followed during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic.

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