Effectiveness of Labor Supportive Measures on Selected Maternal Physiological Parameters, Labour Pain and Maternal Satisfaction A Review

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D. Regina Rabello
Umarani J
Anjana Agarwal


Birth ball, Labor pain, Effleurage, Counter Massage, Breathing Patterns


Childbirth is a natural occurrence. Pain, discomfort, and fear are issues for mothers during labor. It is important to pay attention to managing pain in the first stage of labor since it is severe and is more prolonged during the initial stage of active labor. This review article aims to assess the effectiveness of labor supportive measures on selected maternal physiological parameters, labor pain and maternal satisfaction. Birth balls can help prevent maternal exhaustion caused by prolonged labor. In pregnant women, effleurage, counter-pressure massage, and breathing techniques are used to alleviate maternal pain during childbirth. The purpose of this article was to provide an overview of the effect of maternal physiological parameters, maternal pain level and maternal satisfaction between mothers adopting labour supportive measures of Birth Ball, Birth Bar, Effleurage, Counter Massage, Breathing Patterns.

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