Influence of ubiquinol on angina severity and dyspnea in patients with acute coronary syndrome

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Shakar Halo Ali
Kawa Fareq Dizaye


Ubiquinol, Angina severity, Acute coronary syndrome


Background: Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has highest concentration in the heart and a critical role in cellular energy production, but its physiological concentration decreases with aging. Ubiquinol is the active and most bioavailable form of CoQ10; this is extremely important for patients older than 20 years as the metabolic enzyme required for CoQ10 activation starts to decrease. Thus, ubiquinol may have a more potent beneficial impact on improving the health of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. This study aimed to investigate the influence of ubiquinol on angina severity and dyspnea in patients who are receiving optimal medical therapy (OMT) after ACS.
Methods: In a randomized, controlled clinical trial, 50 patients who had undergone percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) were prospectively assigned to either the control group (n=25) or the ubiquinol group (n=25). The control group received only OMT, while the second group also received a ubiquinol daily dose of 200 mg in addition to the OMT. Measurement of the patients’ angina and dyspnea severity was achieved at baseline and at 2 months post-PCI via utilization of the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) and the Rose Dyspnea Scale (RDS), respectively.
Results: After 8 weeks of intervention, a significant difference was revealed in health status improvement between the groups. In the ubiquinol group, 13 (52%) of patients became dyspnea-free, with 12 (48%) experiencing mild grade 1 dyspnea, while in the control group, residual dyspnea was still present in all patients, and 5 (20%) of them were still suffering from grade 4 dyspnea. Regarding the SAQ scores’ improvement, a significant difference between the groups was observed in the mean changes from baseline, with greater mean changes in the ubiquinol group compared to the control group in all three SAQ sub-scales and summary scores (p value < 0.001). The mean change of the SAQ summary score in the ubiquinol group was 55.93 ± 19.71 compared to 11.47 ± 16.47 in the control group, and the ubiquinol group reported significantly larger reductions in angina episodes.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that ubiquinol addition to OMT after ACS has a highly significant effect on improving clinical outcomes and patients’ quality of life through greater reductions in angina frequency, physical limitations and dyspnea severity. This suggests an effective and safe strategy for optimizing therapeutic outcomes and secondary prevention.

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