Fractional Diffusion Equation for Medical Image Denoising using ADI Scheme

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fractional order total variation; Grunwald Letnikov; Caputo derivative; ADI scheme; medical image denoising


This paper proposes a fractional order total vari- ation model for additive noise removal which uses a different fractional order of the regularization term of the objective function. The denoising model based on space and time fractional derivatives on a finite domain is discretized with effective applications of Gru¨nwald-Letnikov(G-L) and Caputo derivatives. This model has been adopted to solve Alternative Direction Implicit (ADI) scheme to denoise medical images. The advantage of this model is for smooths the homogeneous regions and enhance edge information revealing more details of the image. The results show that the proposed model has desirable feedback for enhancing medical images, revealing more detailed information than ROF(Rudin, Osher and Fatemi), TV − L1 (Total Variation L1 space) and fourth order partial differential equation based models.

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