Examination of Physical Education and Sports School Students of Social Integration Levels and Attitudes Towards Sports: The Case of Batman University

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Mehmet Efe


Sport, Social integration, Attitude


Sports allow young people to develop in many ways. It is one of the effective ways for them to acquire a social identity. Sports environments are areas where social integration takes place very easily. The aim of this research is to examine the social integration levels and attitudes towards sports of Batman University Physical Education and Sports School students according to various demographic variables. The research group consisted of a total of 303 students, 175 male-128 female, from Batman University School of Physical Education and Sports. The data were collected with the “Personal Demographic Information Form” applied to the students, the “Social Integration Scale in Sports” developed by Yılmaz et al. (2007) and the “Attitude Scale towards Sports” developed by Koçak (2014). In the analysis of the data, normality tests, T-tests, and Pearson correlation analysis were used as well as descriptive statistics. According to the study results, a significant difference was found between the Social Integration Scale in Sports and the Attitude towards Sports Scale and the variable of “doing sports with license” in favor of those who do licensed sports. A positive and significant relationship was found between the Social Integration Scale in Sports and the Attitude towards Sports Scale. It can be said that as the students' social integration level in sports increases, their attitude toward sports will also increase. As a result, sport is a very important factor in the development of individuals' social integration and attitudes towards sports.

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