Comparative Evaluation of Wound Healing Outcomes Between Reso-Pac® And Coe-PakTM following Conventional Gingivectomy

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Gopika Gopikrishnan Nair
Sharath K. Shetty
Anita Kulloli
Santosh Martande
Shweta Kadam
Mariam Poulose
Bharath Kumar Ayyanahalli Matta


Gingivectomy, Periodontal dressings, Wound healing


Background: The aim of this present study was to evaluate and compare the efficacy of wound healing outcomes between Reso-Pac® and Coe-PakTM periodontal dressing following conventional gingivectomy.
Methods: Seven patients undergoing orthodontic treatment with the need for gingivectomy were considered for this study. The patients were randomized into test sites and control sites and the surgical sites were protected by Reso- Pac® and Coe-Pak TM periodontal dressing respectively. Landry’s healing index was used to evaluate the postoperative healing outcomes for both sites after 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days.
Results: The test site exhibited a median healing index score of 3(3-4) and the control site exhibited a median score of 3(2-3) on the 3rd postoperative day. There was a statistically significant difference between the test sites and control sites on the post-surgical 7th, and 14th days proving Reso-Pac® to be the ideal periodontal dressing to provide faster and superior healing compared to Coe-Pak TM periodontal dressing. Open wounds had been epithelized completely and replaced with new tissue on the 21st and 28th days. Hence, both sites noted similar healing outcomes on the 21st and 28th days, giving a median score of 5 (5-5) each, which was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: Reso-Pac® is an ideal periodontal dressing as it is easy to apply, and provides faster and superior wound healing when compared to Coe-Pak TM.

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