The impact of power and leadership on motivation

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Ahmet Aydemir
hakan Kolayiş


Leader, Power, Leadership, Motivation, management, sport management


The aim of our research is to examine the effect of power and leadership on motivation. After obtaining the ethics committee report and scale permission from the necessary institutions, the data were collected by the researcher himself. The sample of the study consisted of a total of 121 academic staff ranging from 23 to 72 years old, 86 of whom were public (the average age of the participants in the study was 40.17±9.78) and 35 of whom were private (40.20±12.55). Work motivation scale developed by Mottaz (1985), leadership styles scale developed by Harris and Ogbonna (2000), organizational power perception scale developed by Raven et al. According to the research findings obtained as a result of the research, statistically significant differences were found when the sub-dimensions of expertise power, personal rewarding power and charismatic power sub-dimensions of the power styles scale were compared between the academic staff working in private universities and public universities.

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