Revolutionizing Pediatric Sedation: Conscious Sedation Techniques and Agents

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V.Ranjith Akshay Seshadri
Mahesh Ramakrishnan


Conscious sedation, pediatric dentistry, novel, pharmacokinetics. psychology


Conscious sedation is a technique used in pediatric dentistry to manage anxiety and pain in young patients undergoing dental procedures. The use of sedatives such as nitrous oxide, midazolam, and ketamine can help children remain calm and cooperative during dental treatments. The aim of this abstract is to provide an overview of conscious sedation in pediatric dentistry, including the pharmacology, indications, contraindications, and potential risks and complications associated with its use. The importance of proper patient selection, preoperative evaluation, and monitoring during the procedure is highlighted. In addition, alternative management strategies such as behavioural techniques, local anaesthesia, and general anaesthesia are briefly discussed. Ultimately, conscious sedation can be a valuable tool in pediatric dentistry, but its use should always be carefully considered and implemented by trained and experienced dental professionals.

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