Effect of Bosentan in Experimentally Induced Hyperlipidemic Mice

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Saba Naseer Abbas
Ahmed Rahmah Abu Raghif
Elaf Mahmood Shihab
Saja Majeed Shareef
Mais Muslim Albu-Ahmed
Ahmed Naseer mandalawi


Anti-hyperlipidemic, High-fat diet, bosentan, antioxidant effects, statin, HFD


Aim of study is to investigate the possible effect of Bosentan as anti-hyperlipidemic agent in mice. The. Thirty-two male albino mice were fed a high cholesterol diet for 28 days to construct hyperlipidemic models. The anti-hyperlipidemic activity Bosentan against hyperlipidemia induced was evaluated in mice. Atorvastatin was used as a standard. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were measured. Compared with normal mice, hyperlipidemic mice possessed significantly higher lipid and liver enzymes profile outcomes. After treatment Bosentan, lipid levels and liver enzymatic activities in hyperlipidemic mice significantly decreased. Besides that, Bosentan treated group showed significant improvement in levels of tissue MDA and GPx in hyperlipidemic mice.

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