Effects of heating on the physical properties of bio ceramic root canal sealer (in vitro comparative)

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Ghaith hamid faris
Raghad Alhashimi


calcium silicate-based sealers, heat-induced changes, heating, physical properties, warm vertical condensation


The goal of this study was to determine how heating affected one type of bio ceramic root canal sealer's physical characteristics when that heat applied to the tooth surface by hot obturation techniques which lastly preferred from endodontist because of their ability to fill the canal irregularities and compare it with physical properties of bio ceramic sealer that used with cold obturation techniques without heat . .Materials and Methods: Changes in setting time, flow, and film thickness were assessed in line with ISO6876:2012 requirements after being heated at 100°C for 1 minute by comparative study in which each test setting time, flow and film thickness was repeated eight times in room temperature and eight times in 100c for 1minute that represent the environment of hot obturation techniques . All root canal sealants heated to 100°C demonstrated notable reductions in setting time and flow, as well as a notable increase in film thickness. Root canal sealants made of calcium silicate that have been heated set faster, flowed less, and formed thicker films. The severity of these modifications, however, differed between the products. The current research suggests that warm vertical condensation technique could suffer from heat-induced alterations in the physical characteristics(setting time,flow,film thickness) of calcium silicate-based root canal sealers.

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