Virtual mouse using hand gestures by skin recognition

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ArulMurugan S
Somaiswariy S
Rosshan Banu S
Ruby Angel R


CNN, virtual mouse, deep learning


Motion-controlled PCs and PCs have recently gained ground. This technique is known as the jump movement. Putting our hand in front of the computer and waving, we can control all of its features. Introductions made using a PC have important advantages over slides and overheads. You can use sound, video, and, surprisingly, intuitive projects to expand introductions further. Unfortunately, these techniques are more difficult to use than overheads or slides. With the new controls, the speaker should be able to manage a variety of gadgets (e.g., console, mouse, VCR controller).These devices are difficult to notice in the shadows, and using them upsets the presentation. The most common and convenient form of communication is hand signals. The camera's results will be shown on the screen. Instead of using a traditional mouse or piece of art to manage the mouse cursor, the idea is to use a straightforward camera. With the use of The Virtual Mouse, which is just a camera, establishes a foundation between the user and the system. It enables interaction between users and machines without the need of mechanical or physical mouse equipment, and even manage functions. The technique for controlling where the cursor is placed without the use of any electronics is presented in this paper. Whereas various hand gestures will be used to execute tasks like clicking and lugging stuff. The suggested design will only require a webcam as an information device. The suggested framework necessitates the use of Python, OpenCV, and other hardware. The client can further align the output from the camera by viewing it on the framework's screen. With the correct technology and programming, it is probably conceivable to create a virtual mouse using hand motions and skin detection. The main concept is to translate the movement of your hand and fingers into the equivalent movement of the pointer on the screen by using a camera to track those movements.

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