Increasing Consumption of Vegetables and Fruits in Students Using Comic and Leaflet: A Quasy Experimental

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Ridwan M. Thaha
Nurmilasari Usman
Muhammad Rachmat


Education, Vegetables, Fruits


Introduction: Education on the consumption of vegetables and fruits with comics and leaflets is given in the hope that knowledge and action on students will change food consumption, especially vitamins, minerals and fiber can increase. The problem of research is the comparison of the knowledge and actions of elementary school students before and after being educated with comics and leaflets in the consumption of vegetables and fruit.
Aims: This study compares the knowledge and actions of students given the media namely comics and leaflets to buy vegetables and fruit.
Methodology: This research is a quantitative study using a quasi-design experimentation by designing a Nonequivalent Control Group. The population in study on 140 people, with the sample 110 people, 55 samples in SDN 122 Pinrang as an intervention group and 55 samples in SDN 218 Pinrang as a control group.
Results: The results showed that no one opposed knowledge between groups (p=0.576) while the action variable, there were differences between groups (p=0.000). The importance of collaboration between schools and local health centers on the importance of consumption of vegetables and fruits.

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