Discourteous Behaviour among Students in High School of Duhok City

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Alaa Noori Sarkees
Faris Jalaludeen Ibrahim


Discourteous Behaviour, High School Students, Duhok City


Background and objectives: According to this definition, disrespect can have a variety of conceptually conceivable meanings when used in diverse circumstances and situations; so, the Latin term rudus, which means "broken stone," and the ancient French word rude and discourteous, both come from the same sources. The current study aims to identify discourteous behavior among high school students in Duhok City in order to ascertain its prevalence.
Subject and methods: Cross-sectional research was carried out at 31 of 57 preparatory schools of both public and private sectors. A multistage of the random selection method was used to select 504 High school students who attended classes 10, 11, and 12, aged 15 to 22 years in both vocational and non-vocational studies. The assessment of students’ discourteous behavior was through using a three-response scale form questionnaire as never, sometimes, and always and they scored one to three respectively. The data were analyzed after being interred to SPSS IBM version 23 using frequency, percentage, fisher exact test, and chi-square analysis, and the significance was determined at P. Value ≤ 0.05.
Results: The present study indicates that about one-third of high school students show discourteous behavior ranging between mild (32.3%) and absolute (1.4%) disrespectful, and nearly one-half present physically discourteous ranging between mercurial (39.5%) and hostile (7.3%) discourteous, also, verbal discourteous stand for about 15% distributed as abusive and very abusive (14.1%), (0.6%) respectively.
Conclusions: The study concluded that the prevalence of the students’ behavioral discourteous which presented from mild to highly disrespectful behavior had the first level among the aspects of discourteous behaviors, followed by verbal discourteous ranging between abusive to very abusive as the second level, and physical discourteous stand for the third one.

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