Complexation of cobalt (II) with new Schiff base and amide ligands

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Jihan Hameed Abdulameer
Lamyaa Salih Mahdi
Mosa Jaafar Mosa


cobalt II complexes, amide ligands, Schiff base ligands, binuclear complexes


Two complexes of cobalt (II) were prepared in this research with new Schiff base and amide ligand. by using a common condensation reaction between benzidine with 4- hydroxy-3-methox benzaldehyde to prepare a first ligand while the other ligand was prepared between 4-chlorobenzoicacid and 1,4-diamino benzene. Both ligands have been added to Cobalt II yielded two complexes of Co+2. FT-IR, UV-Vis and H1NMR techniques were used to identify all of these compounds in addition to measure the molar conductivity of complexes, at end all the evidences proved that formation of complexes with sp3d2 hybridization and octahedral geometry. After the incubation period at 37 °C for 24 h, the biological behavior of the binding produced with its antibacterial compounds against (Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli) at different concentrations (10, 50 and 200) ppm was examined. The results showed that the performance of the prepared compounds was better in resisting and reducing the growth of bacteria tested at high concentrations.

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