Detection the Phylogenetic groups of E. coli that isolated from diarrheal in children under five years and study their relationship of common serotypes in Baghdad hospitals

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Shahla Najim Abed Al-Azzawi
Rana Mujahid Abdullah


diarrhea, E. coli, serological test, phyllo-groups


The study included 50isolates of E.coli isolatesthat were obtained from (120) stool samples collected from children with diarrhea of both sexes who visited hospitals in Baghdad. E.coli serotypes were diagnosed according to serotyping method for different age groups of children under five years. The results were represented by (7) (14%) isolates of E.coli belonging to Anticoli 1 group, (10) (20%) isolates belonging to Anticoli 11 group, (5) (23%) isolates belonging to Anticoli 111 group and (22) (44%) isolates which included (2/22) (9%)belongs to serotypes O111, O78 by (2/22) (9%), and for each of the serotypes O25, O142, and O119 are (3/22) and by 14%, O55 (5/22) ) at 23% and O44 (4/22) by 18%. As for the rest of the isolates, no results were given, which is represented by (28) (56%) unknown isolates which were not classified for any of the serotypes. Moreover, the results showed that the highest percentage of diarrhea was in males at (56%), while in females it was(44%); in addition the highest percentage of infection with E. coli in males and females was within the age group (1-12) months by (48%), followed by the age group of (12-24) months by (28%), and then the age group (36-48) by 14%, while the lowest rate of E.coli infection in males and females found in the age group (24-36) months by (6%) followed by the age group (48-60) monthsby(4%).The results of the phylogenetic groups detected several groups includinggroup A (2/50, 4%), B1 (0/50, 0%), B2 (1/50, 2%), C (12/50, 24%), D (6/50,12%), F (3/50,6%), Clade1 (0%) and E (26/50, 52%) which is the predominant group.

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