Promotion of healthy eating habits in a preschool population: experience in a municipality in Colombia

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Erwin Hernando Henández Rincón
Iván Constantino Aivasovsky Trotta
Marianna Beatriz Castellanos Fernández
Amenaida Carolina Ferrer Marcano
Lorena Victoria Rincones Rojas
Feraz Fady Zaghab Zgieb


start, work, habits, early, promote.


Objective: promote a healthy diet in children between 4 and 5 years old and in their parents and caregivers from a preschool community in a municipality of Colombia.
Design: Participatory action research with children (n = 47) between 4 and 5 years old, parents and their caregivers from four (4) kindergartens.
Setting: this study was carried out in four kindergartens in the municipality of Sopó in Cundinamarca (Colombia).
Participants: For this, a working group with multiple community actors was established: forty-seven children between 4 and 5 years old, (n = 47), six teachers (n = 6), a nutritionist (n = 1), twenty parents (n = 20) and the support of the municipality's health department. The intervention was carried out during the first six months of 2019.
Results: the community knows and understands what eating healthy means, the benefits of eating healthy, and its importance for proper development. Children start identifying fruits and vegetables easily, furthermore, they start showing interest in planting, cultivation, and the consumption of this. Parents and caregivers identify the pillars of healthy eating, also they show great motivation to teach healthy lifestyle habits to their children and family.
Conclusions: start healthy eating habits in early childhood is a determining factor of proper development and growth, consequently it is important to introduce these habits in children since the preschool period in the hands of caregivers, who are considered important to guarantee and promote it.

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