Improvement Of Critical Thinking Ability for Nurses Professional Students with Five Minute Preceptor Clinic Guidance Method

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Hariyono Hariyono
Sri Pantja Madyawati
Dhita Yuniar Kristianingrum
Siti Shofiyah
Rahaju Ningtyas
Faisol Roni
Baroroh Barir
Imam Fatoni


Five Minute Preceptor, critical thinking, nursing profession students


Critical thinking in students can help achieve important competencies. An important competency in nursing profession students is critical thinking, which includes curiosity, logical thinking, and applying knowledge to clinical practice. However, during clinical learning, students often have to study hard to understand some of the differences between theories that cause doubt and confusion
during clinical learning. This study uses the Five Minute Preceptor clinical guidance method with an emphasis on student micro-skills for critical thinking that will compare the criticality levels of professional students. The design of this research is Static Group Comparison., which involved two research groups. This study involved 30 students in each research group who met the inclusion and
exclusion criteria determined by the researcher because the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The research instrument is a questionnaire. Analysis of the data used to test. The independent variable of this study was the five-minute preceptor clinical guidance method, while the dependent variable was the criticality level of professional students. The results showed that the
treatment group had an average of 106.82 and a standard deviation of 3.76 which tended to be closer to the maximum expected value. While the control group had an average of 106 and a standard deviation of 6.83 which tended to be closer to the maximum expected value. The probability value (sig) of the intervention group against the control group is 0.026 which is smaller than alpha (ɑ) of
0.05 with a correlation number of 0.675 which has a strong influence. The conclusion of this study states that the clinical guidance method: "Five Minute Preceptor" improves critical thinking of professional students

Abstract 282 | pdf Downloads 208


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