Histological and Biochemical Changes of Rats kidneys post Indomethac in Administration

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Ban Ismael Sedeeq


Histological, Administration, Biochemical, Post


Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are one of the most widely used drugs in medicine and their uses has dramatically increased in recent years. They are a class of drugs that reduce pain and lowering the body temperature. The metabolism and excretion of indomethacin was conducted in kidney, so as a result, biochemical parameter and kidney tissues may altered. The present study was designed to evaluate the biochemical, and histological changes induced by indomethacin on the rat’s kidney , Thirty adult male albino Sprague-Dawley rats were used in this experimental study. Rats were divided into three equal groups [ Ten in each]. All rats were kept in a quite non stressful environment, provided with food ad libitum and free access to water. Normal saline (1 ml) was given intramuscularly for the control group (I). Experimental groups (II, and III) were injected with indomethacin intramuscularly equivalent to 5 and 10 mg/kg body weight/day respectively for two weeks. Results revealed that indomethacin administration significantly increased the levels of blood urea, uric acid and creatinine when compared with control rats. This study confirmed the risk of increased oxidative stress, and nephrotoxicity due to indomethacin administration. Although indomethacin is reported to be effective in pain management, its toxicity should be kept in mind

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