PI3K pathway gene polymorphismin breast cancer tissues proliferation with synergistic effect of EBV- LMP1 oncogene activity among breastcancer patients in Basrah, southern of Iraq

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Rasha N. Jawad
Hassan J. Hasony
Jasim Al- Diab


PI3K,Invasive ductal carcinoma, Breast cancer


PI3K is an intracellular heterodimer of two subunits regulater and catalytic one, induces many signalling pathways after activation. Specific primers used to detect PI3K in breast tissues of 186 patients with 84 benign of fibroadenoma and 72 invasive ductal carcinoma. conventional PCR detects that 97% of PI3K genome identity with standard strain and from 42 samples send to sequencing , there
were (38.1%) ofPI3KCA samples were mutated, when 15 (93.75%) of them in malignant and just one (6.25%) was benign. PI3KCA mutation increased with the advancing grades of malignant tissue especially in grade III, and the variation increased directly with the age. It has been noticed that PI3K pathways mutation and EBV-LMP1 have a directly effect on tumor progression . PIK3CA
mutationswere positively corelated with EBV-positive invasive ductal carcinoma and also associatedwith the mutation loci where those in exon 9 (ΔE542K), and exon 20 (ΔH1047R)are frequently detected and associated with greater PIK3CA mutations

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