Evaluation of serum leptin levels in hypertensive men in Thi Qar City-Iraq (a comparative study)

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Ahmed jaber Ibrahim
Haneen Abdul Wahid Dwesh
Rola Ali Shahid


Leptin, Body Fat Percentage, Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Lipid profile


Leptin, a hormone secreted from adipose tissue, is closely related to inflammatory, metabolic, and homeostasis factors. This hormone has also been shown to perform a significant involvement in the development of hypertension. This study aimed to measure serum leptin levels and lipid profiles in hypertensive males and compare them with control healthy males that were congruent with age and
BMI. The current study included 50 subjects from Thi Qar city people, and it was divided into two groups. The first group included 25 hypertensive adult male patients who had BMI (Mean±SD 27.98±2.9), while the second group included 25 healthy adults males as a control group who had BMI (Mean±SD 27.41±3.5). The current study included evaluating serum leptin and lipid profile of studied
groups after 8-12 hours of fasting state. It was found that the level of leptin was high significant variance in hypertensive adults males compared to the healthy control group (22.4±3.4ng/ml against 13.9±1.6 ng/ml, respectively; p<0.03), A good correlation was also found between leptin levels and systolic, diastolic blood pressure, and body fat percentage ( r=0.648, r=0.506, and r=0.490, respectively). It was also found that moreover male patients had a bad Lipid profile when compared to the healthy control group

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