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Shakeela Parveen
Fayyaz Rasool
Amina Ayub
Muhammad Ahmad
Sadia Parveen
Talib Hussain


Aquaculture, Common Carp, dietary marine yeast, common mental disorders, Baker’s yeast, Micro-biota, Immune response


This research was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary marine yeast (DMY) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae on microbial composition and immune response of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio). Using natural products like dietary marine yeast was beneficial for Common Carp's immune system and improved microbial community health. In Carp's, S. cerevisiae served as a beneficial replacement for the usage of antibiotics and vaccinations. For this experiment, 60 fingerlings were reared under semi-intensive culture condition using earthen ponds and three (T0, T1 and T2) experimental groups were made for this research for 90 days. T0 was fed with commercial fish feed and considered to be control group while T1 was fed with dietary marine yeast and T2 was treated with Baker’s yeast to check immune response and microbiota composition. To identify the effect on micro-biotic composition in fish samples were taken from Common Carp intestine, gills and analyses were done in microbiology lab on different culture media like nutrient agar and tryptic soy agar. The statistical design of this experiment was ANOVA and p-value was statistically indicated that the results was observed for intestine, gills microbial composition and immune response highly significant; (0.0006<0.05) and (0.000912<0.05) indicating that treatment difference was highly significant at (p <0.05). Also, Tukey test was used to compare the treatment means, T0, T1 and T2 and the results of all these values were also statistically significant. These results highlight the potential benefits of yeast based diet as a nutritional supplement is might be highly suitable for intestinal health and animal welfare of omnivorous fishes because they contain nucleotide-rich and β-glucan diet which show efficiency in aquaculture systems.

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