Investigating the Drug Potential of a Natural COX Inhibitor: ADME and In Silico Analysis

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Ashish Srivastava
Ashutosh Verma
Ankita Wal
Versha Chaturvedi
Pranay Wal
Parul Srivastava




An essential part of the inflammatory process was played by COX-2, a crucial enzyme that catalyzed the rate-limiting stages in the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins. As opposed to other family members, COX-2 was significantly inducible during the acute inflammatory response of human bodies to wounds or infections and scarcely detectable under normal physiological conditions. As a result, the therapeutic use of selective COX-2 inhibitors has long been recognized as a successful strategy for the treatment of inflammation with few adverse effects. NSAIDs, both older and more recent, are now the most often recommended drugs for the COX-2-targeted treatment of inflammatory disorders. Natural phenols, flavonoids, stilbenes, terpenoids, quinones, and alkaloids were the primary divisions of the natural COX-2 inhibitors based on structural characteristics. A few dietary COX-2 inhibitors of natural origins also showed chemo preventive benefits by focusing on COX-2-mediated carcinogenesis in addition to their anti-inflammatory effects. It was also explored how these natural treatments may be used in the future to prevent cancer. Overall, the analysis of the COX-2 inhibitors from natural sources that have been defined open the way for the future creation of stronger and more focused COX-2 inhibitors.

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