Association Between RETN Gene Polymorphism and Serum Resistin Levels in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Patients

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Raya Zaid Ali
Ibtesam Badday Hassan
Ali Hafedh Abbas
Yahya Dreaim Saihood


T1DM, T2DM, RETN gene 3ʹUTR, Gene polymorphism, Resistin


Resistin is a cysteine-rich polypeptide, which is encoded by the RETN gene on chromosome 19p13. It has been established that human adipocytes, pancreatic cells, muscle, and mononuclear cells all express this 108 amino acid polypeptide. Up to 70% of the variability in serum resistin in Caucasians can be attributed to hereditary causes. Therefore, the goal of this study is to investigate the association between RETN gene polymorphism and serum resistin levels in type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients. Frequencies of the polymorphism were determined in 51 type 1 diabetes, 52 type 2 diabetes patients, and 50 control group using (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), and conventional polymerase chain reaction. The AA genotype has differed significantly between patients and the control group while genotypes, AC and CC, have not differed significantly between patients and the controls in the type 1 diabetes group. The (AA) was found in 100% of the type 1 diabetes patients and 80% of the control group (Pc=2.7 x 10-4). The AA, AC, and CC genotypes have not differed significantly in type 2 diabetes. A positive correlation was detected between the AA genotype and serum resistin levels in the type 1 diabetes group compared to type 2 diabetes and the control groups, but there was a negative correlation between AC, CC genotypes and them. Also, there was a negative correlation between the AA, AC, and CC genotypes and serum resistin levels in the type 2 diabetes group compared to the control group. Conclusion: The AA genotype of RETN gene 3ʹUTR polymorphism rs115073262 was found to be significantly associated with type 1 diabetes incidences. The findings suggest that the AA genotype and A allele in this gene increase the risk of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The AA genotype of polymorphism associated with higher serum resistin levels in type 1 diabetes patients samples.

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